Download PDF For Plastic Pollution Essay

 We all depend on the use of plastic in some form or the other in our life. But we all need to think now that the ever-increasing plastic pollution is becoming fatal for life on earth. We need to think that how we can move forward to find new alternatives to 'plastic' and contribute towards making the earth clean.

plastic pollution essay pdf

plastic pollution essay in 100 words

'Plastic pollution is continuously increasing very fast in the environment. Plastic pollution is becoming a global problem today because a few years ago plastic pollution was not given much importance. But in view of the role of plastic pollution in increasing 'global warming, now plastic pollution is also being given serious consideration.

And continuous efforts are being made to solve it, because if such plastic pollution continues to increase, then due to global warming in the future, there can be a lot of damage to the environment, which is not at all good for life on earth.

Essay on plastic pollution 150 words

The use of plastic is increasing day by day in today's time. The man had made plastic for his convenience, but now the same plastic is becoming a threat to the environment. It has put all life on earth in danger.

Plastic is very harmful to human life on earth as well as to all animals, and sea creatures. It has a very bad effect on health. Soil erosion is also caused by plastic pollution. Plastic pollution has destroyed the entire water cycle, due to the ever-increasing plastic pollution, the death of terrestrial organisms is increasing rapidly and they are gradually disappearing.

By throwing polythene in the open like this, it goes into rivers and streams, which increases water pollution and also creates a 'hazard of global warming. The toxic substances released by burning plastic mix with the clean air of the atmosphere, making the air poisonous, which is very harmful to health.

Essay on plastic pollution 200 words

  • Preface

Plastic pollution has become a global problem in today's time, which has drawn everyone's attention to think seriously about it and find solutions for it. The biggest reason for plastic pollution is the use of plastic things. Plastic pollution is harmful to all life on earth. And if its use continues like this, then in the future, it will see more formidable results, which will not be positive at all.

  • How to reduce plastic pollution?

Plastic pollution can be reduced. If your intention for this is right. Reduce the use of plastic items, use paper or jute bags instead. Because by using plastic and throwing it in the open like this, many types of serious diseases are born. Which is very harmful to all the living beings and living beings on the earth.

  • conclusion

Plastic has affected the entire environment very badly. Due to this, we are seeing serious consequences in the form of 'global warming. If the solution is not found, then its dire consequences will be seen in the future. Various chemicals used in the manufacture of plastics are quite toxic and dangerous. That's why we all have to solve plastic pollution together, then only this beautiful planet can be saved.

Plastic Pollution Essay 250 Words

  • Preface

According to a report from the United Nations, the use of plastics has increased by doubling in the last two decades. Due to this plastic pollution is also continuously increasing towards its peak. The use of plastic is much cheaper and more convenient than the rest, so everyone is attracted to the use of plastic.

When man had imagined the creation of plastic, he would not have thought that one-day plastic would become the cause of its destruction. The chemicals used in making polythene are very harmful, which also give rise to serious diseases like 'cancer'. The production of plastic products is continuously increasing to meet the increasing demands.

  • effects of plastic pollution

Do you know that 'It takes more than 400 years for a single plastic to be destroyed, which is very harmful to all the life living on the earth? Because the more plastic is being used, the more plastic waste is becoming piled up, and serious diseases remain a threat to the earth.

We throw the plastic products used in our daily life anywhere in the open like this. These rivers, canals, drains, lakes and ponds not only pollute the water by accumulating this plastic, but as well as block the flow of water, and also give rise to various types of germs in the water. Which are the factors of serious diseases. On the other hand, animals like 'cows' become a victim of death by eating them.

  • conclusion

We all should refrain from using plastic products. In its place, alternative plastic products should be used, and efforts should be made to save our earth. So that in the future also life on earth remains possible.

Plastic Pollution Essay 500 Words

  • Preface

'Plastic pollution is becoming a matter of concern day by day. Due to the excessive use of plastic products, the water cycle of the environment has been completely destroyed. The whole life of the environment is affected by plastic pollution.

We all know that the chemicals used to make colorful plastic products are capable of giving rise to serious diseases like cancer. The chemical used in making black-colored polythene or plastic products is the most harmful. Plastic has badly affected the entire ecosystem of the environment.

effects of plastic pollution

1. Water pollution

By throwing plastic products directly here and there, they go into rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes. and cause water pollution. Plastic never gets destroyed. In this way, they give rise to different types of germs in the water after being in the water for many years. Which makes clean water unclean. Plastic also blocks the flow of water.

2. Threat to marine life

Increasing plastic waste is affecting marine life and marine life in a very negative way. Millions of tons of plastic waste are removed from the oceans every year. The fish living in the sea fall ill by ingesting these plastics and it causes their death.

3. Affect Animals Too

The pile of plastic waste lying here and there affects the animals badly. They eat it as their food. After eating it, those animals either subdue serious diseases, or this plastic becomes the cause of their death.

4. Soil Erosion

The increasing plastic waste is also contaminating the soil quality. Because plastic waste is never destroyed immediately. It takes hundreds of years to destroy it. Till then they remain to lie in the soil like this. Due to this various types of hazardous chemicals are generated which affect the quality of the soil. And it also affects the trees and plants.

  • Single Use Plastic

India has always been a worshiper of nature. And it has been playing its role from time to time in saving the environment. Proceeding in this sequence, the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, on 15 August 2019, from the 'Red Fort' had called upon all the citizens of India to contribute towards 'Single Use Plastic'.

And make this movement big and everyone should contribute to making the environment free from plastic pollution. So that in future also the environment is safe and life on earth is possible. Single-use plastic means 'negligible use of plastic items.

  • conclusion

Proper disposal of plastic has become the need of the future in today's time. Because plastic pollution has gripped the earth in such a way that if efforts are not made to reduce it in the coming few years, then plastic pollution will get out of the hands of mankind, and with its serious consequences the environment, as well as The life of the earth, will also have to suffer.

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